Sunday, May 23, 2004

Generally speaking, Francis Bacon's biographers have never stressed the important fact that Francis Bacon was directly connected with the theatrical world of his early days at Gray's Inn, that he wrote Dramatic Plays and Shows that were acted before the Queen and composed Sonnets. Yet it is an open fact of the deepest significance. Parker Woodward in Tudor Problems suggests that Francis Bacon supplied all the Plays that were prepared and performed at Gray's Inn from 1583 for the entertainment of the Queen. It is highly probable. What we are definitely certain about is this: That Francis did prepare certain Plays that were performed before the Queen. Not only so, but it was well-known in Court Circles even in the time of James that Francis Bacon was a Past Master in the art of stage management and the creation of plays.

On 14th February, 1612-13, the Princess Elizabeth married the Count Palatine. There were the usual rejoicings which lasted several days. Chamberlain, a contemporary, wrote:

"On Tuesday, 18th February, it came to Gray's Inn and the Inner Temple's turn to come with their Masque, whereof Sir Francis Bacon was the chief contriver."

- from Francis Bacon's Personal Life-story by Alfred Dodd